
One of the wonderful things about Dave McClure is that he always speaks his mind. No matter the subject, he's not afraid to share his opinion on controversial subjects. You know, those ones many people just sweep under the rug. He recently tweeted about something not often talked about in business; sexuality:

Based on the responses, half an hour later came this explanation:

And finally,

Dave has a talent for impactful tweets, so I thought I'd pick up from there, expand and share my thoughts in a blog.

One of the cool things about being a gay founder in Silicon Valley is that I am most definitely not "the only gay in the village". It's been great making friends here with other gay tech entrepreneurs like me, just like I did when I lived in London.

It's human nature that when we share a common culture or experience, such as gender, race, nationality or sexuality, it allows us to make deeper connections. That's why it matters to me to find other gay entrepreneurs. We understand each other better. We've been through the same things: realising you're different to the majority, the process of coming out, and the fact of various kinds of discrimination, some of which are a big deal, some of which are just annoying. So I make an effort to meet and connect with other gay entrepreneurs.

But even if you're straight, sexuality should matter to you too. If you want to really know me then you need to know a major part of my identity. Being gay isn't the same as being straight, with the only difference being attraction to the same sex. There's much more to it. But inevitably people make assumptions about sexuality, leading to misunderstandings, embarrassment or just the lack of a real connection.

In a work context it's awkward. People always assume you're straight, and there's never an ideal time to come out to new work colleagues or acquaintances. Like the time you're away at a conference and the group of guys decides after a night of hard drinking to head to the local strip club. Tedious!

Luckily though, San Francisco - arguably the gayest city in the world - is home to StartOut, an awesome networking organisation for gay entrepreneurs including many who are founders of tech companies like me. I even know a few gay investors too.

But it's still far from perfect. Although in California you can't be fired for being gay, you can in 29 other states in the US. That's totally unacceptable. It's no doubt one reason why many gay people compartmentalise their true identities out of necessity, separating gay friends from work colleagues and sometimes even from family too. In the whole of the Fortune 1000 there isn't a single openly gay CEO. It's a shame there's so few role models for young gay entrepreneurs.

And, of course, there's the never-ending controversy in this country about gay marriage, currently illegal in California. Even if it were legal, it's not recognised at the federal level. Blatant discrimination in the shape of the Defence of Marriage Act enshrines in law that marriage is between a man and a woman. And because immigration is a federal matter it's this single piece of legislation which is the biggest problem for me, and why my boyfriend of 18 years is still living 5000 miles away in the UK. Family unity doesn't apply when you're gay. :(

I'm 36 now, and very happy with who I am and quite comfortable being out and open. If I can help any other gay entrepreneurs in any way, please get in touch!